1. My forest in windblown, do I need a Tree Felling Licence?
Yes, windblown forests require a TFL, but owners with existing licences can proceed. Thinning licences can be upgraded to facilitate harvesting. For more in formation contact us on 0402 26500
2. Should I walk through my windblown forest to inspect it?
No, windblown forests are very dangerous, and we recommend drone surveys as the only way to safely estimate any damage.
3. Is there a shortage of harvesting machinery?
Yes, there is a shortage of harvesting and haulage machinery, BUT we are progressively working on sourcing additional machinery and lorries.
4. What is your advice to us as owners?
Act quickly but sensibly, as owners that act quickly will fare better than those that don’t. First step is check you felling licence status.
5. Should I have a written agreement when selling my timber?
Yes, we recommend the Irish Timber Growers Association master tree sales agreement, as the template agreement that forest owners should sign with purchasers.
6. What is the cost of harvesting windblow, will it cost more?
Normally, in windblow situations, it is slower and more difficult to harvest the trees. Therefore, the price of harvesting increases. This increase is site dependent.
7. What is the area and volume blown?
The department have estimated that there is C.24,000ha or C.60,000 acres with an estimated volume of 10 million cubic meters windblown. For context, this is C. 2.5 times the total annual harvest in Ireland.
8. How long will it take to get a licence?
The department have committed to prioritising licence application for windblown forests and will issue as quickly as possible. Our dedicated licencing team are now completing licence application for impacted forests.
9. Can I sell my forest as it is?
Yes there are a number of sales options for windblown forests, Trade For Us Forestry, are available to help and discuss different sale options. You can contact them on 045 852 697
10. How can I sell my timber?
There are the following options to sell timber:
- Single price per tonne
- Roadside (price per assortment)
- Delivered (price per assortment)
To maximise financial return per hectare, we recommend the delivered sales option, as the owner retains maximum control.
11. How can we secure a licence to fell the trees?
It is advisable to have a professional forester prepare a felling licence application to the required standard. All windblow felling licence applications should clearly state windblow felling licence. Our licencing team are actively submitting windblow felling licence applications.
12. Are foresters on task force?
Yes, foresters are represented on the task force, as are forest owners, and the wider industry.
13. What will be put in place to make replanting viable?
Reconstitution grants were made available to forest owners impacted by Storm Darwin, and ash dieback. These were very helpful to the forest owners.
14. Will windblown timber licences take precedent?
Yes the department have confirmed that felling licence applications for windblown areas will take precedence. We support the department’s position on this. If you require a TFL contact our dedicated licencing team today on
0402 2650015. I have a thinning TFL, can it upgraded to facilitate harvesting for windblown trees?
Yes, this is an excellent initiative from the department,
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD. Our dedicated licencing team can assist you with upgrading your licence to facilitate harvesting of windblown trees.