Euroforest building the road to success

Euroforest Group AGM

Euroforest Ireland recently attended the Euroforest Group AGM in Newcastle.  The AGM featured presentations on many topics including mechanised arboriculture, peat restoration, new electronic timber traceability systems, a presentation from the Institute of Chartered Foresters and a very detailed market report covering the UK and Ireland.  

Pictured at the AGM left to right:

Jim Hurley - Director

Jordan Foxton - General Manager

Ashley Williams

Declan Clancy - Forest Manager

Fredrik Turzik - Chair

David Symons - Managing Director

Pat Watson - Director

Paddy Burton - Managing Director

Brian Fitzgerald - General Manager

Ciara Kearney - General Manager

John Lawlor - Forest Manager

Gary Lester - General Manager

Cameron Smith - Deputy Managing Director